Από την ομάδα Satan Exposed In Popular Culture, στο Facebook, σας αναδημοσιεύουμε το παρακάτω post, το οποίο ή troll είναι, ή απλά τρομακτικό...

Dear Christian friends and loyal followers! The forces of darkness are at it again, this time in the shape of six#elderly metallers who call themselves Iron Maiden. Well known for animal sacrifices and using #satanisticimagery on stage, they are imminently set to release their latest record, entitled "A Book of Souls", promising their fans that it will be brimming with occultic messages and other content #damaging to the fabric of society. 

If there was any doubt, look no further than some song titles on this CD: 

• "Speed of Light" - the "speed" being sung of here is actually an aggressive strain of #marijuana known for causing users to gnaw hungrily at their own genitals. 

• "Red and Black" - the two primary colors of the robes and ceremonial garments used during satanistic#rituals.

• "The Man of Sorrows" - no true Christian would ever experience sorrow, unless they have strayed from the Lord's path and committed #sin. In which case, they probably weren't true Christians to begin with. 

I would personally like to ask that each and every one of you spend the next several days in earnest prayer, asking the Lord to prevent this malevolent #muck from seeing the light of day and further polluting the minds of our young. 

Rev. Johann

