Κυκλοφορεί πολύ έντονη φήμη τα τελευταία εικοσιτετράωρα στο διαδίκτυο αναφορικά με τους στίχους του Speed of Light. Εμείς τους αναμεταδίδουμε κάθε επιφύλαξη.

What did they say to you on that day
When you put your soul on the line
Did they promise you a golden future
Days filled with food and wine
But did you flinch and have your doubt
When they strapped you tightly in
Memory a faded photograph
They said you're going to win
Feel the surge
Resist the urge
It melds as one
at the speed of light
Beyond your darkest nightmare
at the speed of light
Leaving your old life behind
How fast can your heart beat
Not fast enough for this
Tick tick tick a system fail
A crucial time to miss
And now as life flies backwards
As you try to forge ahead
Can you forge a new horizon
Or does destiny offend
Feel the surge
Resist the urge
It melds as one
at the speed of light
Beyond your darkest nightmare
at the speed of light
Leaving your old life behind
Burnt in history the name we'll never see
But at least through time you're free
