Οι British Lion ανακοίνωσαν τις ημερομηνίες της Λατινικής Αμερικής
Οι British Lion ανακοινώνουν νέες ημερομηνίες περιοδειών τον Νοέμβριο και τον Δεκέμβριο με τις πρώτες εμφανίσεις τους στο Μεξικό και την Κολομβία καθώς και την επιστροφή τους στη Χιλή, την Αργεντινή και τη Βραζιλία. Το Tony Moore's Awake θα είναι ο ειδικός καλεσμένος σε όλες τις ημερομηνίες.
Ανακοίνωση από τους Iron Maiden
Καθώς η περιοδεία The Future Past ολοκληρώνεται μετά από 81 συναυλίες σε περισσότερους από 1,4 εκατομμύρια θαυμαστές, από τη Λιουμπλιάνα μέχρι την κοιλάδα Coachella και από τη Δυτική Αυστραλία μέχρι το Σάο Πάολο, οι Iron Maiden ανακοινώνουν με χαρά ότι το να μπαίνει πίσω από το κιτ για το 2025 είναι ένα όνομα γνωστό σε πολλούς από τους θαυμαστές μας – ο Simon Dawson και ο πρώην συνεργάτης στους British Lion.
Iron Maiden Announcement
As The Future Past Tour concludes after 81 shows to over 1.4 million fans, from Ljubljana to the Coachella Valley and from Western Australia to Sao Paulo, Iron Maiden are delighted to announce that stepping in behind the kit for 2025 is a name familiar to many of our fans – Simon Dawson, a former session drummer and Steve’s rhythm section partner of the past 12 years with British Lion.
Οι British Lion θα εμφανιστούν στο Graspop Metal Meeting 2025
Οι British Lion ανακοίνωσαν ότι θα παίξουν Graspop Metal Meeting την Παρασκευή 20 Ιουνίου 2025!
British Lion σε Βρετανική περιοδεία το 2024
Οι British Lion επιστρέφουν στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο για μια χειμερινή περιοδεία 16 ημερών για να ξεκινήσει το νέο έτος, που ξεκινά στις 4 Ιανουαρίου στο διάσημο χώρο Cart & Horses του Λονδίνου στο Stratford, όπου ο Steve έπαιξε τις πρώτες του συναυλίες.
Νέες ημερομηνίες για British Lion
Δεν θα προστεθούν νέες ημερομηνίες στην περιοδεία.
British Lion announce updated UK tour dates
OCT 27 UPDATE: Peterborough show added, Dover, Hornchurch and Gravesend sold out!
Οι British Lion αποσύρθηκαν από την περιοδεία στην Βρετανία με τους The Darkness
Δήλωση από το συγκρότημα:
British Lion withdraw from UK tour with The Darkness
Statement from the band:
Οι British Lion ανακοίνωσαν Ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία το 2022
Το συγκρότημα θα πραγματοποιήσει μια δεκαήμερη ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία headline club το καλοκαίρι του 2022, εκτός από τα τρία φεστιβάλ που έχουν ήδη ανακοινωθεί για τη Φινλανδία, την Αγγλία και το Βέλγιο, σε συνδυασμό με τη διαδρομή για την περιοδεία των Maiden Legacy Of The Beast το 2022.
Νέες ημερομηνίες για British Lion
Οι British Lion ανακοίνωσαν 5 headline συναυλίες. Δείτε το πλήρες πρόγραμμα παρακάτω.
British Lion, καινούργιο single Lightning
Μπορείτε να ακούσετε το καινούργιο single Lightning στο παρακάτω βίντεο, πριν την κυκλοφορία του άλμπουμ.
Νέος δίσκος και περιοδεία για British Lion
Σημαντικές ειδήσεις για τον Steve Harris και τους British Lion, καθώς ανακοινώθηκε νέος δίσκος το 2020 καθώς και μια περιοδεία για την αρχή του έτους.
Νέο τραγούδι British Lion - Spit Fire
Ακούστε την πολυαναμενόμενη έκδοση στούντιο ενός από τα πιο αγαπημένα νέα τραγούδια British Lion Spit Fire εδώ.
New song British Lion - Spit Fire
Listen to the long awaited studio version of one of the most loved new British Lion tracks Spit Fire here.
Ο Steve Harris σε περιοδεία με British Lion
Ο Steve Harris ξεκινάει νέα περιοδεία με British Lion και θα επισκευτεί κάποιες χώρες για πρώτη φορά.
Steve Harris hits Canada, South America and Japan with British Lion
British Lion are about to hit some countries for the first time!
Steve Harris
Ο Stephen Percy Harris (γεννήθηκε στις 12 Μαρτίου του 1956) είναι ένας Άγγλος μουσικός και συνθέτης, γνωστός ως ο μπασίστας, περιστασιακά keyboardist, backing vocalist, κυρίως συνθέτης και ιδρυτής του Βρετανικού heavy metal συγκροτήματος, των Iron Maiden. Είναι το μοναδικό μέλος των Iron Maiden που παρέμεινε στο συγκρότημα από την δημιουργία του και μαζί με τον κιθαρίστα Dave Murray, οι μόνοι που έχουν εμφανιστεί σε όλα τα άλμπουμ τους.
Steve Harris
Stephen Percy Harris (born 12 March 1956) is an English musician and songwriter, known as the bassist, occasional keyboardist, backing vocalist, primary songwriter and founder of the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden. He is the only member of Iron Maiden to have remained in the band since their inception and, along with guitarist Dave Murray, to have appeared on all of their albums.
Ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία για British Lion
Steve is back out with British Lion at the end of July and in a recent interview with Ramblin\' Man Fair, he explains why he isn\'t quite ready for a holiday!
Ανακοινώθηκε Ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία British Lion
British Lion will embark on a 27 date European tour starting in Faro, Portugal at the Moto Clube De Faro on November 3rd and finishing in Belfast, Northern Ireland at the Limelight 1 on December 6th. The full list of dates is below and tickets are on sale MONDAY SEPT 5TH 2pm BST/3pm CET from www.steveharrisbritishlion.com
British Lion European Tour Dates Announced
British Lion will embark on a 27 date European tour starting in Faro, Portugal at the Moto Clube De Faro on November 3rd and finishing in Belfast, Northern Ireland at the Limelight 1 on December 6th. The full list of dates is below and tickets are on sale MONDAY SEPT 5TH 2pm BST/3pm CET from www.steveharrisbritishlion.com
British Lion 3 Δεκεμβρίου live στο Planet Rockstock
British Lion featuring Steve Harris will headline the Planet Rockstock festival on Saturday the 3rd December at Trecco Bay, South Wales. This will be part of a full British Lion European tour, details of which to be announced soon.
Ετοιμάζει δεύτερο δίσκο με British Lion ο Steve Harris
Underkill TV recently conducted an interview with Richard Taylor, vocalist of IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's solo/side project BRITISH LION. You can now watch the chat below.
British Lion is planning sophomore album
Underkill TV recently conducted an interview with Richard Taylor, vocalist of IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's solo/side project BRITISH LION. You can now watch the chat below.
Το Iron Maiden the Greek FC στο Bristol 30/07/2015
Φτάνοντας στο Bierkeller του Bristol αρκετά νωρίς με την προοπτική στο να είμαι αρκετά μπροστά/ μπάρα και επίσης να δω αν θα είχα την τιμή να γνωρίσω τον έναv και μοναδικό Steve Harris.
Iron Maiden the Greek FC at Bristol 30/07/2015
Arriving at Bristol’s Bierkeller pretty early in order to be ahead in the queue and also see if I could get a chance to meet up with the one and only Steve Harris. The band informed me that Steve was traveling by car due to a mix-up with the tour bus that they ordered.
Βίντεο: Steve Harris British Lion - Eyes Of The Young (Live)
Πριν από την καλοκαιρινή τους περιοδεία, ο Steve Harris με τους British Lion, κυκλοφόρησαν σήμερα ένα live video σε υψηλή ανάλυση του τραγουδιού Eyes Of The Young από την περυσινή τους περιοδεία.
Video: Steve Harris British Lion - Eyes Of The Young (Live)
Ahead of their Summer tour, British Lion have released Πριν από την καλοκαιρινή τους περιοδεία, ο Steve Harris με τους British Lion, κυκλοφόρησαν σήμερα ένα live video σε υψηλή ανάλυση του τραγουδιού Eyes Of The Young από την περυσινή τους περιοδεία.a live performance video of the track Eyes Of The Young. The band's 22 date run begins on July 29th in Harlow, Essex at The Square and wraps up at the London's 02 Islington Academy on August 26th.
Steve Harris και British Lion σε περιοδεία τον Ιούλιο
Steve Harris is taking British Lion out on the road this year on a 22 date UK club tour starting on July 29th in Harlow, Essex at The Square and finishing at the London 02 Islington Academy on Aug 26 (full list of dates below). Tickets go on sale Friday 12th, priced £15. Guests are The Raven Age.
Steve Harris and British Lion on the road this July
Steve Harris is taking British Lion out on the road this year on a 22 date UK club tour starting on July 29th in Harlow, Essex at The Square and finishing at the London 02 Islington Academy on Aug 26 (full list of dates below). Tickets go on sale Friday 12th, priced £15. Guests are The Raven Age.
Ο Steve Harris σε περιοδεία British Lion τον Ιούλιο
Steve Harris will be taking his solo/side project British Lion back out on the road briefly this year with a 10 date European tour starting on July 8th in Norwich and rounding off with an open-air show at the annual International Motorcycle Convention at the Moto Clube De Faro, Portugal on Saturday July 19th (full list of dates below). Tickets go on sale Monday April 7th at 10.00 am (11am local time ex-UK).
Steve Harris takes British Lion back on the road in July
Steve Harris will be taking his solo/side project British Lion back out on the road briefly this year with a 10 date European tour starting on July 8th in Norwich and rounding off with an open-air show at the annual International Motorcycle Convention at the Moto Clube De Faro, Portugal on Saturday July 19th (full list of dates below). Tickets go on sale Monday April 7th at 10.00 am (11am local time ex-UK).
Ο Bruce Dickinson θα συμμετέχει στο Heavy Metal Truants
Following the recently announced news of the ‘Heavy Metal Truants’ charity bike ride to Download Festival at Castle Donington, organised by Iron Maiden manager Rod Smallwood and Metal Hammer editor Alexander Milas, it has now been announced that Maiden’s lead singer Bruce Dickinson will be flying in specially from Germany – following two sold-out Maiden shows in Frankfurt on the Tuesday and Wednesday – so he can join the HM Truants in cycling the final 25 mile leg of the bike ride into the Download Festival.
Bruce Dickinson to join Heavy Metal Truants charity bike ride
Following the recently announced news of the ‘Heavy Metal Truants’ charity bike ride to Download Festival at Castle Donington, organised by Iron Maiden manager Rod Smallwood and Metal Hammer editor Alexander Milas, it has now been announced that Maiden’s lead singer Bruce Dickinson will be flying in specially from Germany – following two sold-out Maiden shows in Frankfurt on the Tuesday and Wednesday – so he can join the HM Truants in cycling the final 25 mile leg of the bike ride into the Download Festival.
British Lion βίντεο από το Παρίσι
Fan-filmed video footage of IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's new solo/side project BRITISH LION performing on March 24 at Trabendo in Paris, France can be seen below.
British Lion video from Paris gig
Fan-filmed video footage of IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's new solo/side project BRITISH LION performing on March 24 at Trabendo in Paris, France can be seen below.
Ο Steve Harris μιλάει για το British Lion σε νέα βίντεο συνέντευξη
Portugal's CheckSound conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris prior to his new solo/side project BRITISH LION's sold-out charity show on February 20 at the Moto Clube de Faro's new 600-capacity clubhouse. You can now watch the chat below.
Steve Harris discusses British Lion project in new video interview
Portugal's CheckSound conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris prior to his new solo/side project BRITISH LION's sold-out charity show on February 20 at the Moto Clube de Faro's new 600-capacity clubhouse. You can now watch the chat below.
Βίντεο από την συναυλία του Steve Harris στη Μαδρίτη
Fan-filmed video footage of IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's new solo/side project BRITISH LION performing on February 23 at La Riviera in Madrid, Spain can be seen below.
Video from Steve Harris gig in Madrid
Fan-filmed video footage of IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's new solo/side project BRITISH LION performing on February 23 at La Riviera in Madrid, Spain can be seen below.
Η playlist της περιοδείας Steve Harris British Lion
Δείτε ολόκληρη την playlist που έπαιξε ο Steve Harris με το British Lion, στην πρώτη βραδιά της περιοδείας που ξεκίνησε χτές το βράδυ στο Moto Clube De Faro στην Πορτογαλία.
Οι πρώτες εικόνες του Steve Harris - British Lion
Δείτε τις πρώτες εικόνες από την πρώτη εμφάνιση του Steve Harris με το British Lion από την χτεσινή πρώτη στην ιστορία συναυλία του εκτός Iron Maiden, στην Πορτογαλία στο Moto Clube de Faro.
Ο Steve Harris ανακοίνωσε Charity Show στην Πορτογαλία για τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό
British Lion will open their 2013 European Tour with a special Charity show at The Moto Clube de Faro, Portugal on February 20th. All tickets will be priced at €10 with profits going to the Red Cross. As fans will know, The Moto Clube de Faro and Steve Harris have a long and cherished history via mutual friend Manu DaSilva who sadly passed away in 2006, and as a tribute to whom, Iron Maiden headlined at the 30th International Motorcyle Convention Portugal as guests of the Moto Clube de Faro during their Final Frontier World Tour in 2011.
Steve Harris British Lion announce charity show for the Red Cross at Portugal
British Lion will open their 2013 European Tour with a special Charity show at The Moto Clube de Faro, Portugal on February 20th. All tickets will be priced at €10 with profits going to the Red Cross. As fans will know, The Moto Clube de Faro and Steve Harris have a long and cherished history via mutual friend Manu DaSilva who sadly passed away in 2006, and as a tribute to whom, Iron Maiden headlined at the 30th International Motorcyle Convention Portugal as guests of the Moto Clube de Faro during their Final Frontier World Tour in 2011.
Ο Steve Harris σε Ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία τις αρχές του 2013
Ο Steve Harris θα παρουσιάσει το νέο σόλο project του, British Lion, τον επόμενο βήμα επισκέπτοντας δεκατέσσερις χώρες και είκοσι τέσσερις πόλεις σε όλη την Ευρώπη, ξεκινώντας από την Πορτογαλία στις 21 Φεβρουαρίου. Για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία, και ως μεγάλη έκπληξη για πολλούς, ο μπασίστας των Iron Maiden, ιδρυτικό μέλος και ηγέτης θα αφήσει για λίγο τις δραστηριότητες του με το συγκρότημα για μια πλήρη Ευρωπαϊκή περιοδεία. (πλήρες πρόγραμμα και λεπτομέρειες παρακάτω).
Steve Harris to play a selection of European dates in early 2013
Steve Harris will be taking his new solo/side project British Lion out on the road next month visiting fourteen countries and twenty four cities across Europe, starting in Portugal on Feb 21. For the first time ever, and as a major surprise to many, Iron Maiden’s bass player, founder member and leader will be taking temporary leave from his Maiden activities and heading out on a full European Club tour. (full schedule and details below).
Νέο βίντεο Steve Harris British Lion - Us Against the World
Το Us Against The World είναι το νέο βίντεο από το British Lion άλμπουμ του Steve Harris, το οποίο γυρίστηκε από τον John McMurtrie στο Βανκούβερ του Καναδά. Το άλμπουμ British Lion κυκλοφόρησε τον Σεπτέμβρη που μας πέρασε από την ΕΜΙ (UMe στην Αμερική) και είναι διαθέσιμο σε CD και Digital Download. Επισκευτείτε το www.steveharrisbritishlion.com για περισσότερες πληροφορίες και δείτε το βίντεο παρακάτω.
Προς πώληση το σπίτι του Steve Harris για 8.5 εκατομύρια ευρώ
Ο μπασίστας των Iron Maiden, Steve Harris βγάζει το σπίτι του στην Αγγλία πρός πώληση στην απίστευτη τιμή των 6.750.000 αγγλικών λιρών, (περίπου 10.820.000 δολλαρίων ή 8.335.392 ευρώ. Δείτε φωτογραφίες από κάτω φυσικά και θα καταλάβετε τον λόγο της υψηλής τιμής.
Steve Harris' country house on the market for $11 million
IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris has put his English country house on the market for £6,750,000 (approximately $10,805,000). Check out photos of the home at PrimeLocation.com, Zoopla.co.uk.
Ο Steve Harris μιλάει για το σόλο άλμπουμ και το The Number of the Beast
Ο Matt Wardlaw από το Ultimate Classic Rock πήρε πρόσφατα συνέντευξη από τον μπασίστα των Iron Maiden, Steve Harris. Διαβάστε αναλυτικά ένα μεγάλο απόσπασμα από την συνέντευξη του.
Steve Harris discusses solo album and looks back on The Number of the Beast
Matt Wardlaw of Ultimate Classic Rock recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Hands On: Steve Harris - British Lion
Νέο τμήμα εγκαινιάζουμε σήμερα στην ιστοσελίδα του fan club μας, Hands On, όπου θα βρίσκουμε αρκετά συχνά, φωτορεπορτάζ από τα νέα αντικείμενα του αγαπημένου μας συγκροτήματος. Αντικείμενα που αξίζουν την προσοχή μας, φωτογραφημένα με macro-φακούς, φυσικά από εμάς.
Hands On: Steve Harris - British Lion
New section is up and running on our fan club's website, Hands On, where we can pretty often find very interesting photo stories from featured items from our favorite band. Items that worth our attention pictured with macro-lenses, of course by us.
Steve Harris - British Lion (Παρουσίαση από το Iron Maiden the Greek FC)
Έπειτα από 37 χρόνια καριέρας με τους Iron Maiden, ο "αρχηγός" αποφάσισε να βγάλει ένα σόλο άλμπουμ. Γιατί τώρα και για ποιον λόγο αυτή του η κίνηση, είναι δύο εύλογα ερωτήματα. Σίγουρα οι υποχρεώσεις του με την "σιδηρά παρθένο" δεν του αφήνουν παρά ελάχιστο χρόνο για παράλληλες "εξωσχολικές δραστηριότητες". Ο ίδιος έχει δηλώσει ότι αυτά τα τραγούδια ξεκίνησε να τα συνθέτει εδώ και 20 χρόνια περίπου. Όσον αφορά το μουσικό ύφος του δίσκου, αν κάποιος περιμένει να ακούσει heavy metal η κάτι παρόμοιο (ακόμα και παραπλήσιο με τους Maiden) θα απογοητευτεί.
Steve Harris doesn't think Iron Maiden has another 10 years left
John Doran of The Quietus recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Steve Harris doesn't think Iron Maiden has another 10 years left
John Doran of The Quietus recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Steve Harris - This is my God
When Steve Harris is behind a composition or even a bass-line there's nothing more to expect than perfection! This is my God is the opening track of his debut album in his solo career making a huge turn on classic British rock! Excellent opening riff with a mid-tempo bridge and some of the best bass-lines Steve has ever written! The song is exciting and unlike anything Steve Harris and Iron Maiden have done so far. Hint: pay attention to the bridge right after the refrain!
Steve Harris - This is my God
When Steve Harris is behind a composition or even a bass-line there's nothing more to expect than perfection! This is my God is the opening track of his debut album in his solo career making a huge turn on classic British rock! Excellent opening riff with a mid-tempo bridge and some of the best bass-lines Steve has ever written! The song is exciting and unlike anything Steve Harris and Iron Maiden have done so far. Hint: pay attention to the bridge right after the refrain!
Steve Harris: British Lion' solo album feels very cohesive
ARTISTdirect.com editor-in-chief Rick Florino recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris about Steve's solo/side project album, "British Lion". A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Steve Harris: British Lion' solo album feels very cohesive
ARTISTdirect.com editor-in-chief Rick Florino recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris about Steve's solo/side project album, "British Lion". A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Steve Harris: This Is Not Throwaway MAIDEN Stuff
J. Bennett of Decibel magazine recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris about Steve's solo/side project album, "British Lion". A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Steve Harris: This Is Not Throwaway MAIDEN Stuff
J. Bennett of Decibel magazine recently conducted an interview with IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris about Steve's solo/side project album, "British Lion". A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
British Lion's first-week sales revealed
IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris's solo/side project album, "British Lion", sold around 3,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 125. The CD also landed at position No. 3 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.
British Lion's first-week sales revealed
IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris's solo/side project album, "British Lion", sold around 3,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to enter The Billboard 200 chart at position No. 125. The CD also landed at position No. 3 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.
Watch This is my God video now
Watch now the debut video of Steve Harris' British Lion, This is my God on Vimeo.com right now! Excellent production for a superb song of their first album.
Watch This is my God video now
Watch now the debut video of Steve Harris' British Lion, This is my God on Vimeo.com right now! Excellent production for a superb song of their first album.
British Lion: This is my God video to premier tomorrow
"This Is My God", the new video from IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris's solo/side project album, "British Lion", will make its online debut tomorrow (Tuesday, October 2) at 6:00 p.m.
British Lion: This is my God video to premier tomorrow
"This Is My God", the new video from IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris's solo/side project album, "British Lion", will make its online debut tomorrow (Tuesday, October 2) at 6:00 p.m.
Steve Harris British Lion - Hear the album today
Want to hear Steve's new album 'British Lion'? We're pleased to announce that you'll be able to do just that tomorrow! On Thursday 20th September, from 11am BST we'll have the whole album here on the site for you to listen to. So bookmark this page and come back tomorrow to hear the whole of 'British Lion'!
Steve Harris to discuss British Lion album on Rockline
IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris will guest on the nationally syndicated radio show "Rockline" with host Bob Coburn on Wednesday, October 3 at 8:30 p.m. PT / 11:30 p.m. ET. Fans are encouraged to speak with Harris by calling 1-800-344-ROCK (7625). The show will be streamed on the "Rockline" web site for two weeks beginning the afternoon after the live broadcast.
Steve Harris to discuss British Lion album on Rockline
IRON MAIDEN bassist/founder Steve Harris will guest on the nationally syndicated radio show "Rockline" with host Bob Coburn on Wednesday, October 3 at 8:30 p.m. PT / 11:30 p.m. ET. Fans are encouraged to speak with Harris by calling 1-800-344-ROCK (7625). The show will be streamed on the "Rockline" web site for two weeks beginning the afternoon after the live broadcast.
Steve Harris: Solo debut is not the progressive rock some might expect
IRON MAIDEN founder Steve Harris' debut solo/side project album, "British Lion", will be released in the U.S. on September 25 via Universal Music Enterprises (UMe). Mixed by Kevin Shirley — whose credits include IRON MAIDEN as well as Led ZEPPELIN, JOURNEY and RUSH, among many others — the CD, which features Harris alongside vocalist Richard Taylor, guitarists Graham Leslie and David Hawkins and drummer Simon Dawson, presents a different side of the bassist's musical visions.
Steve Harris: Solo debut is not the progressive rock some might expect
IRON MAIDEN founder Steve Harris' debut solo/side project album, "British Lion", will be released in the U.S. on September 25 via Universal Music Enterprises (UMe). Mixed by Kevin Shirley — whose credits include IRON MAIDEN as well as Led ZEPPELIN, JOURNEY and RUSH, among many others — the CD, which features Harris alongside vocalist Richard Taylor, guitarists Graham Leslie and David Hawkins and drummer Simon Dawson, presents a different side of the bassist's musical visions.
Steve Harris' British Lion pre-order
Ο επερχόμενος δίσκος του Steve Harris, με τίτλο British Lion είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο για προπαραγγελία στο Amazon.co.uk.
Steve Harris British Lion - Brand new album released September 24
EMI Music are proud to announce the release of Iron Maiden founder Steve Harris’ debut solo/side project album. Entitled ‘British Lion’ and comprising ten songs that Steve and his collaborators have been working on for the past few years between Iron Maiden tours and releases, it is an album that will surprise and delight music fans the world over.
Steve Harris British Lion - Νέο άλμπουμ τις 24 Σεπτεμβρίου
EMI Music are proud to announce the release of Iron Maiden founder Steve Harris’ debut solo/side project album. Entitled ‘British Lion’ and comprising ten songs that Steve and his collaborators have been working on for the past few years between Iron Maiden tours and releases, it is an album that will surprise and delight music fans the world over.